Monday, May 31, 2010

Hi All,
I can't believe that we have reached the last week of school. This year has rushed by!

As I'm sure most of you know, we were unsuccessful with our chick hatching. Some of the other classes also had trouble, but it was still disappointing and sad for the kids. Fortunately, they were able to visit and observe the chicks in the other second grade classrooms during Rotations.

This week we will focus on finishing up odds and ends, and cleaning and organizing the classroom. I have not received all the permission slips or money for the Wednesday beach party, so be sure to send those in if you haven't already. I am also still low on drivers. Many of the parents involved in organizing the party are committed to being at the beach to set up. Please let me know if you can drive to and from the beach.

Finally, thank you so much for all your efforts to make this year a spectacular one! Your support week in and week out really enabled me to address two grade levels with confidence. I know that this year has been a growing one for your children, likely more than in an average year because of the responsibility they have shared in successfully mastering learning in a multi-grade classroom. Thank you for the opportunity to share in this growth!



Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hi All,
It was great to see so many of you at Open House. I know the kids were excited to show off their desks, classroom, and schoolwork!

This week homework will continue as usual, although the third grade spelling packet is one of those shorter ones. Continue to read and record in Reading Logs, study for Timed Tests, work on nightly math homework, and --for the 2nd graders--Red Hot Readers. Lit. Circles will be completed for the year on Friday, May 28th.

This Thursday our class will be attending The Princess and the Pea at the Mello Center, along with the other primary classes. Several people still need to return their permission slips and $7.00. If there is a hardship, please let me know. The second graders have an additional permission slip for the second grade only field trip to the farm, where they will see the home of the hatched chicks. A few second graders need to return that permission slip as well. Our class is currently incubating chicks which should hatch on May 26th. Assuming all goes well, we will arrange for home visits with interested second grade families and will continue them into the summer as needed. I will let you know about this once we have hatched chicks.

Take care, and have a great week!
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hi All,
As I am certain your children shared with you, we began CSTs last week. Both second and third grade took the first 2 portions of the Language Arts test. Fortunately, no one was absent on Wednesday or Thursday! We will continue this week, wrapping up the ELA and then moving into the 3 math sections. Your kids have been working hard, and have behaved responsibly by remaining quiet until all their classmates have had time to complete the tests. They have also enjoyed the gum, and snacks provided by the district. Please continue to avoid absences, unless your child is ill!

Our other big activity this week is writing the animal reports. Most of the third graders, and all of the second graders, have completed their research and are drafting the reports. Those third graders that need additional time will be bringing home paragraphs to edit and/or recopy throughout the week. In light of this, there will be no spelling homework. This extra time should also be used to work on dioramas, which are due the following week, on May 11th.

Finally, remind your child to work on Lit. Circles throughout the week, and hand them in on Friday. Several students forgot their Lit. Circles this past week. It really hurts the group when students are not prepared.

Have a great week; hopefully it will continue to be sunny!