Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hi All,

Back to five day weeks!

The kids are bringing home a spelling list focused on three rules for adding suffixes: doubling the consonants in short vowel words, dropping the "silent e" in long vowel words, and changing the y to i in words ending with the vowel sound y. We are also wrapping up the geometry math unit this week, and will be reviewing lots and lots of math words in class. We will also send home some unit review homework before the test toward the end of the week.

The new homework policy really reinforced your children's attitude about their math homework. By Friday, we were only missing a couple of math assignments, and only 2 students had to do the "Make- up Homework." Unfortunately, some students are still coming unprepared to Wednesday's Lit. Circles. Please remind your child that he/she is responsible for reading the assignment and carefully preparing for their role in the group. It is apparent that some kids neglect this homework until Tuesday, and then find themselves doing several days work in a sloppy and rushed fashion. These assignments are a great time to develop good work habits.

Anyway, have a great week -- the weather is supposed to be excellent!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hi All,
I hope you are enjoying this 3 day weekend. It provides a nice, gradual re-entry into our regular schedule, especially with last week's 3 day school week.

As Sheila Hurley notified you, I wrote an incorrect date on the Spelling packet, which is due this Friday, 1/21. The kids will have their spelling test on that day as well. On that topic, I have established a new policy on math homework. While most students are very responsible and rarely miss completing and turning in their math homework, there are a few who are regularly missing this practice, or neglecting to turn it in. For students who have not turned in all the assigned math homework by each Friday, I will be providing an extra "make up" practice sheet that will focus on that week's concepts. The students will complete this paper while the majority of the class is enjoying "Friday Finish", which is a finish work and free play time.

Some other new things are beginning this week. First of all, Miss Butler will be solo teaching our class for the next 2 weeks. As many of you have had the opportunity to observe, she is a talented and energetic teacher. I will be on campus throughout this solo time, but will be in and out of the class. I will be using this time to further develop my own teaching practice by observing some of my fellow Rio teachers. In addition, our class will begin Spectra Art, which parents and supporters pay for through the Parent Alliance's fundraising activities. The class will have 4 weeks of cartooning. Later this year, we will have an additional 5 weeks of pottery with Jenni Ward, who we have enjoyed as a Spectra teacher for the last 3 years.

Finally, permission slips are due. There is one from Miss Butler regarding her program and a second one for our field trip to the MAH, which is the museum in Downtown Santa Cruz. At this point our class needs 1-2 more drivers for the trip, but many students have not returned their permission slips and money.

Have a great week. Feel free to send in notes or email if you have any questions.

Carroll Mayer