Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hi All,

This week students will continue working on their Animal Reports in class. On Monday, they will also be bringing home information regarding the Diorama about their animal. This part of the project will be completed completely as homework. In addition, students will be bringing home edited drafts of their reports to type. While many kids enjoy the challenge of typing, parents may assist with this final draft. However, please resist making changes.

In math, we will continue multiplying, using bigger numbers. Most of the class has made good progress with automaticity in multiplication, and are easily applying the math facts to larger numbers. Students with solid math facts will also discover the benefit when they learn long division.
The kids will enjoy the 3rd of 4 Pottery sessions on Monday, from Jenny Ward. The opportunity for Spectra is through your hard work at fund raising.

Take care, and have a good week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hi All,
This week students will continue learning multiplication with greater numbers, including regrouping. For the most part, students are catching on; but some are finding out how difficult it can be to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers, if you don't know your basic multiplication facts. I have reminded them that they will be using these facts in math for the next several years, and that knowing the facts will really serve them well.

As you may have heard, the kids have begun taking notes for their mammal reports. Most have articles we've printed from the Internet, and many have books from the school library as well. We will be taking notes from this material this week, and then rewriting the notes into paragraphs. Third grade teachers will send home a note regarding the homework portion of this research project shortly.

Finally, a big thank you to Patti Long, Jennifer Benson, and Cynthia Jacque for coordinating a little St. Patrick's Day celebration. The kids enjoyed the yummy cupcakes, green milk, and beads.

Take care, and have a good week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hi All,

This week the Spelling Packet contains review words from the last 3 weeks, and no sentences. In math, we are returning to multiplication -- this time, with larger numbers. We are also beginning a series of 4 Spectra Art lessons on pottery, from Jenny Ward.

The kids are beginning research on their mammal reports; most found articles in the computer lab and books at the school library. Information regarding the homework portion of this project will be coming home soon.

Take care and have a good week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hi All,

This week students will bring home the Spelling list for the story, Trapped by the Ice! The spelling homework includes a writing task so please make sure that your child completes it along with the practice book pages. As you may have noticed, the multiplication portion of the packet is primarily a cumulative review. I am also testing the children weekly on their multiplication facts. Please be sure your child continues to practice these facts until they can multiply with automaticity, which is a 3rd grade math standard.

Report cards go home on Tuesday. Please return your child's envelope, with your signature, on Wednesday.

Finally, thanks to Lisa Bird and her daughter, Taylor, for their work on Friday with the class on the Auction Art project. According to Miss Butler, the class had a great time and did very nice work. I look forward to seeing the complete project!

Take care,