The kids and I settled into a nice routine last week. I was happy to see how well the kids adapted to my expectations!
This week, the final piece of homework will be added to the packet: a spelling list and spelling practice pages. The stapled packet consisting of spelling, a reading log, and math practice pages, is due on Friday. There will be a spelling test on Friday, consisting of the 20 words and 5 sentences on the list. The nightly math homework is due each day and is designed to support content addressed on that day. There is also a small review section each night, but I have been crossing these out because we began with chapters intended for the end of third grade, rather than the beginning. In a week or so, we will begin Chapter 1 in the math curriculum, and the rest of the year will be in sequence.
Students will also be bringing home permission slips for our first field trip: the Santa Cruz County Fair. If you are able to drive and chaperon, please return the forms right away! Insurance forms must also be filed in the office. Thanks in advance for your support with this trip; it really compliments our studies of Charlotte's Web, local history, and plants and animals.
Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer