Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hi All,
Just a few reminders...
Lit. Circles are due on Tuesdays, and are marked down if the student does not have the prepared job at the group's meeting. Most kids are doing well with this responsibility, and all students are welcome to bring completed assignments into class early and keep them safely in their desk.

For the most part, students did well on our Social Studies test on the US Government. I did delete one portion of the test from the final score, as many children were confused by the format. All students appear to know more about the structures of our government than they did a few weeks ago.

Shana DeBernardo is finishing up our class auction project with the kids this week. Ask your child about it-- and look for it at the auction site. Thanks, Shana, for your great work on this fun project!

Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hi All,
Due to the President's Day holidays, the spelling packet will not be due until a week from this Friday, on February 24th. However, please encourage your child to use the full 2 weeks for practice, as the spelling concept is -augh and -ough! In math, we will continue with fractions.

This Wednesday, Rio del Mar is having its 2nd Annual Book Night. The K-3 book is Stuart Little. Last year, we had a fun and interesting time discussing the selection, and sharing our enthusiasm for reading. I hope to see you there.

Our Valentine Party is scheduled for 12:15-1:15 on Tuesday. Students who bring valentines must include enough for all 29 members of the class.

Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hi All,
I hope you are enjoying another beautiful weekend!

Hopefully, most of you received my email to send in photos from this school year for our yearbook page. Please get your pictures in right away, by Wednesday at the latest.

Kids have been doing very well getting back into the routine of homework, and most have been remembering their daily and weekly responsibilities. However, several children forgot their Lit. Circle homework last week. This is due every Tuesday. Students may bring in the homework early if they are worried about forgetting on Tuesday, but this assignment's grade will be lowered if the work is not returned on time.

Valentine's Day will be here soon. The class party is scheduled immediately after lunch on the 14th, from 12:15-1:15. I will send home a list of students' names this week, so that valentines can be addressed individually. As always, those kids who choose to bring valentines must include all members of the class.

Have a great week,