Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hi All,
Happy Second Week! Thanks to all of you who have responded so swiftly to the supply lists and many forms to fill out. I still have a few students missing their Computer Use form and/or yellow Emergency Card. These are the absolute essentials!

After 5 days, I've found your children to be charming and am enjoying starting to know them a little. We will continue with Mystery Bags for this entire week, so be sure your child has brought in their bag as it's a fun way to learn a little about their interests.

This week the kids will continue learning about Data & Probability in math, with the focus shifting more to the concepts and vocabulary for probability. We will have a test on these 2 chapters during Week 3. We have read 5 chapters of Charlotte's Web, and will continue to practice the skill of summarizing throughout the reading of this novel. In Science, we are studying adaptations in plants and animals.

The kids have been very responsible with the daily math homework! In addition, Third Grade sends home a weekly Homework Packet. It goes home on Monday and is due on Friday. This week's packet is a condensed version, as we will not be sending home spelling until next week. However, in a usual week you and your child should expect a spelling list, a spelling Practice Book page (front and back), a reading log, and a math facts sheet (front and back). This week the kids have the math facts and the reading log. The reading log is to be completed daily, and we expect the student to write a 1-2 sentence summary of what they have read. It is probably best for them to practice this orally before they write, and we understand that there is a "learning curve" involved with this skill. Please make sure that your child is held accountable for neat penmanship, and beginning and ending punctuation.

Finally, we will be sending home a permission slip this week for our first field trip: the Santa Cruz County Fair. Please file your driver information in the office ASAP if you plan on driving on a field trip this year. It really makes organizing these enriching activities much easier.

Take care, and have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Third Grade! We are going to have a great year.

A short supply list is posted. Please don't send pencil boxes, as they take up a great deal of space and are underused by the kids. I will have communal boxes with markers, colored pencils, and other supplies, which we will pull out as needed.

In addition, if you have copies of Charlotte's Web, please bring them as we will start reading this wonderful book right away.

We are also going to hit the ground running with math homework on Monday night. In addition there will be a Mystery Bag assignment that will be due on Friday, August 24th.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday morning at 7:55. Have a great weekend!

Ms. Mayer