For the next 2 week students will be taking CSTs. Because of this focus, we will not be sending home a spelling packet. I will be sending a reading log on Monday, and the students will have nightly math homework. In addition, there will be a multiplication drill sheet attached to the math homework each day. The third grade is experimenting with a new multiplication program with the goal of greater fluency in this skill.
As your kids have probably shared, gum is allowed during testing. They will be able to chew gum in class, and will have to throw it out before leaving the classroom. I have asked that they not bring bubble gum, as I don't want there to be a temptation to blow bubbles. I will bring some gum to share, and you may also equip your child with enough gum to share with others.
I will not need parent volunteers during the 2 week testing window.
Most of the class has returned their typed "Little Red" story, but if your child has not, please send it ASAP. The Student Authors' Fair is scheduled for next Saturday, May 4th at the Capitola Mall and we will need time to assemble their typed work with the pop-up illustration.
Finally, on Friday we had such a nice day with Jogging For the Arts in the morning, and a party and video in the early afternoon. Then we wrapped it all up in the garden! Thanks to Ruth DeLuca for organizing the party, and Rachel O'Hara for planning our Life Lab activities. In addition, thanks to all of you that worked to make Jogging For the Arts such a smooth and well-run event!
Take care, and have a great week,
Carroll Mayer