Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hi All,

For the next 2 week students will be taking CSTs. Because of this focus, we will not be sending home a spelling packet.  I will be sending a reading log on Monday, and the students will have nightly math homework. In addition, there will be a multiplication drill sheet attached to the math homework each day. The third grade is experimenting with a new multiplication program with the goal of greater fluency in this skill.

As your  kids have probably shared, gum is allowed during testing. They will be able to chew gum in class, and will have to throw it out before leaving the classroom.  I have asked that they not bring bubble gum, as I don't want there to be a temptation to blow bubbles. I will bring some gum to share, and you may also equip your child with enough gum to share with others.

I will not need parent volunteers during the 2 week testing window.

Most of the class has returned their typed "Little Red" story, but if your child has not, please send it ASAP. The Student Authors' Fair is scheduled for next Saturday, May 4th at the Capitola Mall and we will need time to assemble their typed work with the pop-up illustration.  

Finally, on Friday we had such a nice day with Jogging For the Arts in the morning, and a party and video in the early afternoon. Then we wrapped it all up in the garden!  Thanks to Ruth DeLuca for organizing the party, and Rachel O'Hara for planning our Life Lab activities.  In addition, thanks to all of you that worked to make Jogging For the Arts such a smooth and well-run event! 

Take care, and have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed the gorgeous spring weather!

This week we will begin test prep. for CSTs (the state tests) which Third grade will begin on Tuesday, April 30th.  We will be testing daily during that week, and the following Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please be sure to get your kids to school on time, and avoid doctor and dental appointments during the morning hours.

This week's story in RTI is Poppa's New Pants.  The strategy is Predict/ Infer and the skill is Drawing Conclusions.  In spelling, we will focus on contractions. In math we will wrap up our short unit on capacity, and then move on to long division!d

If you and your child are working on their "Little Red" typing at home, please push to have it completed by Friday.

In addition, this Friday is Jogging for the Arts.  Please have your child bring in their pledge form this week so that we are ready to go on the 26th.  The kids really enjoy this event and are proud to help with fundraising.

Finally, thanks to all of you who responded swiftly with signed permission slips for our final field trip, to the Agricultural History Museum, and generously with your $5.00+ donations.  If you haven't sent in the permission slip, please do so ASAP.  I am also still in need of a couple drivers.

Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hi All,

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a fun and energizing break.  We are on to the final push because soon your children will be 4th graders. It goes fast, I know!  Along with the usual, I will begin doing some review as we will begin state testing at the end of the month.

Next week in RTI we will start a new story called Pepita Talks Twice. The reading strategy emphasized with this story is "Evaluate"  and the skill is "Problem Solving".   In math we will continue with multiplying greater numbers.  Continue to practice multiplication facts daily as this will make more complex math applications easier, and more accurate.

I enjoyed seeing the kids in their costumes and was very proud of their work on the Famous American speeches.  Many of the kids appeared to have a great time with costumes/ props and worked hard to learn and present their speech in a clear and poised manner.  The majority were also great listeners to the presentations as well!

Finally, this week I will be sending home some "Little Red Riding Hood" stories to be typed into final drafts. We wrote these stories a couple of months ago, and have been trying to chip away at the typing at school, but our time in the computer lab is short and there are not that many computers in the class, so this seems the most efficient way.  Kids and parents may type together, kids may assist by reading their work, or you may set your child up to work on their own ---- whichever way works best for your family.  If you print at home, please divide the text into two equal (probably partial) pages.  You may also email me the text and I will print it at school.  If any of this is an issue in your household, please let me know. We have completed the art for this pop-up book at school and will be assembling it once we have the text in final draft.

As always, thank you for your support at home and at school.

Take care,
Carroll Mayer