Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hello All,
For the next week and a half, in RTI,  students will be reading the folk tale, The Ballad of Mulan.  They will practice the  reading strategy "Monitor/Clarify" and the skill "Making Inferences."  In math, we will be wrapping up our chapter on addition with review on Monday,  and a test on Tuesday. We then move on to subtraction.  As mentioned at Back-to-School Night, information about the land form project was sent home on Thursday, so please support your child in planning and designing their work.  The project is due on Tuesday, October 15th.  Finally, most kids have been reading and taking AR tests with great enthusiasm.  Their first goal period ends on October 11th, so if your child has not been taking tests, or needs to finish a long book, please encourage them to do so in a timely manner.
Take care, and have a good week.
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hello All,

It was so great to see you on Thursday!  However, if you were unable to attend the Back-to-School Night, these are a few things you will want to do.

1.  Contact Mrs. Barrett (our Room Parent) with information you wish to share in a class roster.  This will allow you to keep up with Parent Alliance news, as well as special classroom activities.  It will also be useful information for your child if they need to connect with another student in the class.  E-mail Mrs. Barrett at 

2.  Sign up for a Parent- Teacher conference for the week of October 7-11.  The conferences are usually scheduled until 2:40, but I can make special arrangements if needed.

This week you will all receive notification about your child's RTI teacher.  RTI will begin on September 30th.  However, if you have questions throughout the year regarding your child's reading progress, please direct them to the Homeroom teacher.  We have weekly meetings to discuss the kids' progress, as well as informal conversations on a daily basis.  

This week's Homework Packet looks a little different.  The kids have a 20 word spelling list, but are expected to write 10 strong sentences rather than completing a workbook page.  The spelling words extend the concept from last week's spelling list.  Math practice has also moved on to multiplication,  so we are beginning with facts addressed in 2nd grade: 2s, 5s, and 10s.  In math class. we will begin working on addition, reviewing regrouping and then balancing equations.

This week we are also sending home a special project (on Thursday).  Students will be making a 3 dimensional model of some landforms.  Specifics about the project will come home on Thursday, and the kids will have a couple of weeks to build and label their model.  We don't expect you to purchase any new materials for this project, so be creative.  In the past, students have really enjoyed this activity!

Take care, and Parent Volunteers, I'll see you this week!
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hi All,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weekend!  We had a wonderful time at the fair last Thursday, with each student having a wonderful opportunity to learn about our county's agriculture and also the many community workers that support us. Kids also had the chance to learn about art, science and celebrate interests of various community members, such as the Model Railroaders.  Thanks again, to all the parent who make this trip possible by driving and chaperoning.

This week, the kids will work on rounding in math.  We will spend several days on this topic, but year after year I find it to be a great challenge to many kids.  Encourage your child to persevere, even if they find it tough.  In Language Arts, we will continue to enjoy Charlotte's Web, as well a story from our anthology called "The Lost and Found".  We are also working on writing a paragraph on spiders, and beginning instruction on personal narratives.

I sent home a Scholastic Books order form this week.  If you wish to order books, please return the form with your order and check made out to Scholastic, or visit the website to order online.  If you wish to order books from fliers other than the one sent home, that is fine.  Please be sure to complete your order by the deadline,September 21st, so that your selections will be included when we receive our shipment.

This week's Homework Packet follows the same format as last week's, and includes a reading log, Practice Book page, math drill sheet, and spelling list to study.  These are due on Friday.  Most children are doing an excellent job on these pages, and the reading log entries have been very impressive. However, a few children have said that they were "too busy" to do this homework.  If your schedule is tight, please help your child plan their days and make the reading a priority.  The reading log can be partially completed on the weekend, and can be written on binder paper instead of the "official" log. I'm also happy to send the packet home on Friday with those people that would like work time on the weekend.

Christy Tall, your Parent Alliance representative and Treasurer has asked me to attach the minutes from the last meeting to this entry. Please take a moment to catch up on PA business.  I hope to see you all on Thursday at Back-to-School Night.

Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Parent Alliance Meeting Notes

September 10, 2013

Upcoming Events:

Back to School night: September 19.
Grades K-3 from 6 to 6:30 p.m.
Principal’s presentation 6:30 to 7 p.m.
Grades 4-6 from 7 to 7:30 p.m.
Parents are encouraged to attend.  Adults only - no childcare available

Run for Rio – October 13
5K at Seascape Park at 8 a.m.
Fun Run at 9:30 a.m.
The Fun Run is being held in memory of Lily Jacob
September 27 – registration deadline for 5K.  Registration link on school website

Harvest Festival – Friday, October 18

Fall Book Fair
October 7-11 (same week as teacher conferences) in the library

Innisbrook Fundraiser – online only
Launches September 16
Full catalog available online

Golf for Schools at Seascape Golf Course
September 30 through October 6
30% of green fees and cart rentals will be donated to Rio. 
Bring flyer with Rio’s name on it (link available on school website)

Parent Information Nights
Internet Safety Presentation by Lori Getz.  Focus on Social Media
October 23, 2013 at 6:30 in MPR
Ms. Getz will be working with students in grades 4-6 that day. Staff development after school. 

Positive Discipline – series of parent meetings with Jane Weed
To be held in Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar., April and May
6:30 p.m. in MPR.  Specific dates TBA

School Site Council:
School Site Council Meetings are held every month on the first Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. in the library.
PVUSD CBO Brett McFadden, PVUSD Board member Jeff Ursino, and other district representatives attended the last Site Council meeting to discuss the $150M voter-approved (Measure L) bond, $1.6M of which has been allotted for RDM. The Council outlined its priorities in the following order: 1. Rubberized track; 2. Bells and clocks w/attached PA system; 3. New heating system; 4. Re-roofing; 5. Tech upgrade. For Phase 2 of the bond expenditures, new portables were requested.
Parents are encouraged to write letters to Brett McFadden and Jeff Ursino expressing support for the rubberized track as top priority. and

Rio has a new office assistant.  Her name is Jennifer Alvarez.  She will be working 11a.m. to 4 p.m. every day.  Andrea Burrell will continue working 7:30 – 11 a.m.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hi All,

This week, Thursday, we will be going to the Santa Cruz County Fair! Thank you in advance to all the parents who have volunteered to drive and chaperon, and have worked so hard to turn in all the forms, including visits to the school for fingerprinting.  I am counting on all chaperons to attend the field trip, but our free adult passes will be limited.  Some chaperons will need to pay, and drivers will need to pay for parking.  All kids are free.  Children must bring a sack lunch on Thursday, along with a light sweater or jacket, and be in comfortable shoes.  They may not bring money and will not be allowed to purchase any items. 

In Language Arts, we will continue reading Charlotte's Web ( a great tie-in with the fair), and will also read a short article about spiders.  The kids will work on summarizing the article.  We will also begin a study on writing personal narratives.

In math, we will wrap up our chapter on place value, with a test on Tuesday.  Monday's homework will be a review of the concepts addressed.  We will then continue to learn about whole numbers, focusing on rounding and ordering them.

On Friday, the kids did a great job reciting their poems.  They presented "Thirty Days" in small groups, and then had the option of presenting their second poem as a solo, or in a small group.  Most chose to solo, and were able to speak clearly and at a good pace, standing up straight.  We will continue to weave in public speaking opportunities throughout the year.  This week's Homework Packet will follow the more typical format of 20 spelling words and 5 sentences, a Practice Book page (front and back), Reading Log, and math drill.  On Friday, they will be tested on both the words and sentences on their spelling list.  Continue to encourage your child to pace their homework and plan their week accordingly.  I speak to them regularly about the responsibility of homework, and about planning ahead if they know they have a particularly busy day of the week.

Take care, and feel free to call or email with any questions,
Carroll Mayer