Monday, April 28, 2014

Hi All,

Most of this week's information are repeats from last week.  First of all, if your child is not done with typing their Little Red story, it must be finished and typed by Wednesday morning to be submitted to the Student Authors' Fair.  Your child knows whether they've finished typing the story, and how to access Google Docs to complete it.

Secondly, this week's Homework Packet is the one sent home last Monday.  Make sure your child is working on the packet and completing both pages of the Reading Log.  The kids will definitely have math homework this Monday and Tuesday, no math on Wednesday, and I'm not sure about Thursday. RTI is ending for the year on Tuesday of this week.

The reason I'm not sure about Thursday is that we will be having state testing "Smarter Balanced" on that day.  Our testing schedule is: Wednesday and Thursday morning of this week in the Computer Lab.  Next week, we will be testing on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, using the Chrome Books in Room 24.  The other two 3rd grade classes are also testing in Rm. 24, so we will be moving from room to room during those days.  It's essential that students be on time to school during those 5 days, as testing will begin at 8:00!  Please don't schedule appointments either.

Finally, I still need a few permission slips for the field trip to the Agricultural History Museum.  At this point I have enough drivers.

Take care and have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hello All,
Welcome back from break!  I've heard about many fun activities from the kids.

This week we will be working on Telling Time in math.  The math program we are using is from Engage New York and was developed in that state to align with the Common Core.  It's my understanding that the district will be providing us with this same math program next year, so it's worthwhile for the kids to become accustomed to the format. We will be returning to nightly math homework, which appears to be clearly aligned with the lessons.  Kids should be able to work very independently on this.  Our Homework Packet is for 2 weeks, rather than one.  Because of this, I've told the kids I expect all spaces in the 2 Reading Logs to be filled.  They have less homework than usual because it's spread over 2 weeks, so they can read an extra time!

In addition some of the kids will be bringing home drafts of their "Little Red" stories to type.  We've been working in the Computer Lab, but will not have any more time in there for a few weeks due to testing.  Stories will need to be typed in the next week to be ready for the Student Authors Fair.

We are beginning our Astronomy unit in earnest now.  Expect lots of questions and conversation about the solar system.  I also encourage outside reading (of informational texts) about space.

Finally, I've sent home a permission slip about our last field trip, to the Agricultural History Museum at the fairgrounds.  This is a terrific field trip, with some cool hands-on activities.

Have a great week!
Carroll Mayer

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hi All,
Famous American speeches will be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 AM until they're finished. On Friday, the kids brought home a schedule, and all of the class indicated they knew the day they were to speak. Parents are welcome to attend.

We will be having a Homework Packet this week, but nightly math homework will not restart until after break. Happily, the moon is finally visible so the Moon Observation Chart should be a lot more interesting. Rob Hoffman, PVUSD's Science TOSA, will be the Third Grade's guest speaker on Monday, kicking off the astronomy unit.

Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer