Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hi All,

We had an excellent and exciting 5 day week. Although it was foggy, many kids were able to make the pinhole projectors work with terrific support from wonderful parent volunteers. We also watched a livestream throughout Monday morning.

This week, kids will be taking a district-mandated assessment (MAP). After completing Fact or Fiction poems, we'll begin Writing Workshop. In reading, I am doing minilessons on comprehension strategies and then kids are reading self-selected books. After several lessons using Stanford's youcubed Week of Inspirational math, we've begun the Bridges math curriculum. Our first unit is on multiplication and division. The kids will be learning a variety of strategies to approach number and story problems, with the goal being a deep understanding of number relationships and fluency building.

On Monday, kids will bring home classwork from the past week, as well as any handouts from the office, etc. I try to keep all important papers until the Monday folder, and encourage you to check folders/backpacks on that day. This week I'm  sending the first of 4-5 Scholastic book orders ( for the year). Your book orders are one of the primary ways I fill our classroom library; donations is the other big way. If you wish to purchase books, you may order digitally --or the "classic" way, by filling out the form I'm sending home. Please make any checks out to Scholastic, so that I can just send them on directly. Our class code, for digital orders, is noted on the blog.

This week we will be meeting with our Buddy classroom for the first time. Our class will be working with Mrs. Hegerle's 2nd Graders. Along with reading, our big focus will be reviving the school gàrden, located behind the 3rd Grade portables. The first several weeks will be spent weeding, so kids should wear appropriate clothes, and bring gardening gloves if you feel they're necessary. We will be in the garden on Tuesday afternoons, at 12:45.

I will not be sending home any homework until after our Back-to-School Night, on Thursday, September 7th. At that time I will be explaining the 4th Grade team's expectations, as well as scheduling parent volunteers, and sharing my plans for the coming year. During these weeks, your child should be reading every day after school, at home or in their after school program.

Have a great week,

Carroll Mayer

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hi All,
Here is the link to some different types of pinhole projectors. They look like fun projects. I've also heard that slotted spoons, colanders, ets, can be used to aid in viewing. We will be making the traditional one with 2 pieces of stiff paper with a pinhole poked in foil taped to one. If your kid makes some other kind of viewer, he or she is welcome to bring it to school to share. I sent home a yellow note on Friday explaining the plans for our class. I am welcoming volunteers, from about 9:45 on, and I'm not sure how long we will be outside. Fog may make it pretty impossible in our area. Please review eye safety with your child, and I will again on Monday.

On another note, we had a great first few days!  The kids worked well together and made some interesting math discoveries using Jo Boaler's WIM. I will not be sending any structured homework forms out next week, but kids should be reading every day after school. Reading to and with family members is fine, as well as independent reading. I don't have a specific time limit, however the more you read, the better you are at reading. Kids also build a huge bank of knowledge from reading!

Most parents have returned the forms sent home Wednesday, but if you haven't, please do so on Monday. The yellow Emergency cards are the most crucial!

Have a great week!

Carroll Mayer

Monday, August 14, 2017

Hi All,

Welcome to 4th Grade!  I am excited to start a new year and have lots of fun ideas to share with you all. I have met many of you over the years, but here's a brief bio. I've taught at Rio del Mar for 14 years, and it's my 4th year in 4th Grade.  I have 2 adult children who attended Rio, and live in the neighborhood with my husband. I love reading, including children's books, and play Bridge weekly (with Mrs. Clouse!) I love beach walks and am very grateful for the amazing summer we just had.
I also traveled to Italy and Kauai this summer.

I usually update the blog weekly, often on Sunday. Please try to check for new information weekly. Parents, if you subscribe to this blog in the space above, you will receive emails when I post. I won't be arranging volunteers until Back-to-School Night, but it'd be great if you submit driver information as we will have field trips in the fall.  If you wish to volunteer regularly, or even drive on a trip, you need to have fingerprints and TB tests on file with the office. This is a great time to get that taken care of.

This first week will be focused primarily on community, although we will be doing some great math activities from Jo Boaler's WIM (Week of Inspirational Math.) Google Youcubed if you want to read about it. The primary homework is assigned to the parents---you know the packet!  Please try to return it this first week, especially the Emergency Card. I'd also like you to email me with your preferred email addresses.

I have a small list of supplies, but provide all materials needed.  Our materials are mostly communal, and I find that many kids are distracted by cool new erasers, sharpeners, notebooks, etc. So I'd prefer you keep those items at home. If you wish to contribute to the class supplies, donations to the group are welcome.  I am also thrilled with gift cards to Amazon, Staples, Palace, and Bookshop Santa Cruz, as I make purchases throughout the year. Checks to our classroom fund are also handy!

Feel free to email with any questions,

Carroll Mayer