Hi Parents,
It’s exciting to be contemplating Spring Break, but we are still working hard!
This week, our class will continue working on poetry during writing time. We are using templates to experiment with different forms of poetry. After that, we will type up our favorites. In reading, our focus is reading informational text, and we will soon be researching various renewable sources of energy, as well as fossil fuels.
We will be taking a short math test on Friday on fractions. There is a “study guide” attached to the homework, describing the sorts of problems kids will have on the test. We will also be practicing in class. When we return from break, we will make the shift into Geometry.
I have signed the class up for a Moby Max contest. It lasts 2 weeks: this week and Spring Break week. The top 3 point-earning classes at Rio del Mar get a prize. Kids can work on any area of Moby Max, but I recommend Math, Language, and Reading.
We are still working on the Social Studies hyperdoc about California explorers! My goal is to wrap up Lesson 2 this week, so that the class can work together on Lessons 3 and 4. Kids will also be eager to get to work on the Google My Map activity on the California missions. If your child is feeling behind, encourage them to put some time into this. They are always welcome to bring home the Reflections textbook.
Finally, I am attaching a letter from Mrs. Green with an opportunity for 4th Graders.
Hi Fourth Grade Families,
As you know April 19th is an professional development day for teachers and a no school day for students. Many PVUSD teachers will be here at Rio del Mar deepening their Reader's and Writer's Workshop practices. We are hoping to have 4th graders come out once again in order to support our teachers in learning. If your child is available from 10:30-12:00 on Friday, April 19th please let me or your classroom teacher know and we will add them to our student list.
Have a great week!
One last thing for our 4th Graders. Spring Break would be a great time to use this!
National Park Pass