Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hi All,

Last night I enjoyed a delicious dinner at Booka thanks to the generous gift certificate I received from the class at Christmas. Thank you all, once again; it was a real pleasure!

This week the class will be learning about government during our Social Studies block. In writing, the kids are working on the text for their "Little Red Ridinghood" pop-ups.  The geometry unit in math wraps up on Tuesday, and then we will move on to division.

Many people have been asking about the Famous American projects. At this point, students should be reading the biographies that they were to have selected by the 17th. We will start working on the project in class in a couple of weeks, and will be doing the rest of the research and first drafts at school. I will keep parents and students up-to-date as we set various deadlines, and there will be plenty of notice as they approach.

Finally, the permission slip for our field trip to the MAH was sent home on Tuesday. If you haven't already returned it with your child please do so ASAP.  Thank you Sandi Kolassa for coordinating this trip, along with all the others!

Take care, and have a great week.
Carroll Mayer

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