Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hello All,
I hope you are making the most of our beautiful spring weather;  I know I'm trying!

This week we will continue with fractions, making the connection between fractions and measurement. The kids are continuing to have lots of opportunities for hands-on exploration, and are coming to a deep understanding of fractions and what we really mean when we write these mathematical expressions.  Thank you for your patience with the homework.

This week's homework packet went home on Friday, as so many of the kids like to get a head start on the weekend. I will be sending home one additional page on Monday-- a moon observation chart!  This page should be interesting, and not too time consuming. We are encouraging the kids to make daily observations of the moon for the next 4 weeks in preparation for our science unit on Astronomy. This is one of my favorite units of study in the third grade year, and I'm sure that most students will find it equally engaging. We will begin the unit after the Famous American speeches go home for final drafts and rehearsal.

The Famous American speeches are on the calendar for Tuesday, April 8th,  and Wednesday, April 9th.  We have been working on research and writing in class over the last 2-3 weeks, and will continue through this week. On Monday, March 31st, students will bring their drafts home for finalizing. At that point kids should complete and recopy their speeches (typed or handwritten), rehearse them, and put together their props and/or costume. A rubric will come home with them on the 31st.  I am looking for parent volunteers to video the speeches on the 8th and 9th, but any parent who wishes to watch in person will be welcome.

Take care,
Carroll Mayer

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