Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hi All,
This week will be a busy and fun one!  As Halloween is next Saturday, a portion of Friday will be dedicated to festivities. We will have our usual Spelling Test, Vocabulary and Math Quizzes in the morning before recess at 10:00. At 10:30 the Rio del Mar Halloween Parade will begin. Traditionally, we walk with our Reading Buddies. (Ours are Mrs. Werner's PM Kindergartners.) After that, our Room Parents have planned an awesome party!

In addition, this week our class will be wrapping up the science unit on" Energy For Life and Growth" with a short quiz. We are eagerly moving back to our social studies text, reading about California Indians during RTI, and researching using other sources to write an "All About..." report focusing on one Indian group. Students selected California Indian tribes from a list organized by regions, and then began searching for articles in the computer lab last Friday. The research and report will be written in class, although some students may need to finish up typing as homework. I will let you know when the report becomes homework!

Students also responded to a technology survey in the lab last Friday. Parents, please find the link to the survey on the Rio del Mar home page, and respond as well. I filled mine out last week. If we want any improvements/changes to our implementation of technology, we have to voice our ideas!

Finally, a reminder that there are links to YouTube videos that support the math lessons. I realize that the kids are being taught multiplication in ways that may seem strange or cumbersome. The purpose is to give kids a repertoire of strategies from which to pick. A lot of the drawing is to improve understanding of the underlying concepts that are the foundation of the algorithms we generally use. Rest assured, we will teach the standard algorithm for multiplication as well as the partial product, area model, etc.

Carroll Mayer

Some students' "delicious" fruit portraits in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. 

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