Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hi All,

Just a head's up for the week!

First of all, the kids are bringing home a handout explaining the California project they are working on as this week's homework. In case the information gets misplaced, I'm copying it  to the bottom of this post. The goal is to work creatively on a project applying the information gathered for the written report, which we are doing at school.

Secondly, Jogging for the Arts is this Friday. It's a favorite fundraiser, and a great opportunity for the kids to support the school through their efforts.

Have a great week!

Carroll Mayer

California Research Project

You have worked so hard in class to write an amazing research report on a topic related to California. Now it’s time to make the report come alive by creating a visual aide that supports your report!

This visual aide will be done at home and will replace the homework choice board. There are several ideas so we know there will be something for you. If you have an incredible idea that is not on this list, just let your teacher know and we can add it to our list so future students can benefit.

If your visual aide requires the use of technology be sure to communicate with your teacher on the best way to share it with the class. If you can find a way to get it onto your Google Drive then it will be super easy to share with the class.

Visual Aide Ideas

Diorama - Find an empty shoebox and create a scene that represents your topic
Brochure - Create a tri-fold description with visuals that teaches us about your topic
Photo essay - Share important images about your topic with captions explaining their importance
Google Slides - Include photos, graphics, diagrams, text, and more to teach about your topic.
Video - Make a video about your topic! Get creative and we’ll sit back and enjoy.
Board game - Design your own board game that is related to your topic - Come up with rules, game pieces, game board, and anything else needed to play the game
Painting - Paint something that is inspired by your topic
Puppet show - Create a puppet show that dramatizes your topic
Song or dance - Create an original dance or song inspired by your topic
Skit or play - Partner up with some friends who chose the same topic and create a short skit to teach us about your topic
Mobile - Create a hanging “sculpture” to display in class
Sculpture - Use modeling clay or any other materials to create a sculpture about your topic
Game show - Create a game show and invite us to participate during your presentation
Coloring book - Draw several illustrations that we can color in - just like a real coloring book
Poster - Create a poster that displays some important information about your topic
Float - Decorate the outside of a shoebox in a way that is informative and creative

Any other ideas, ask your teacher!

Important Dates
Monday, April 24th - Project description goes home

Wednesday, May 3rd -  Visual Aid due

That’s 9 days to work on your project! Get started early and have fun!

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