Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hi All,

This week, we have lots of excitement!  On Tuesday, Rio will have its annual Halloween parade, which has been moved back to its former time: 8:30. Our class party is scheduled for after lunch at 12:00. If you have any questions about the party, please contact our room parents: Allison and Carole-Anne.

Then on Friday our class is heading off to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on a field trip. On that day, kids should bring lunches, and be prepared to be off campus most of the day.

In RTI, we are wrapping up the informational text unit, and then will begin a fun novel about the Gold Rush called By the Great Horn Spoon. In Math, we are continuing with multiplication strategies, as well as beginning division. We will also return to multiplication later in the year.

Finally, most of you have scheduled conferences, and I'll be sending home reminders with your date and time in a week or so. If you haven't yet set up a conference, please contact me.

Take care, and have a great week!

Carroll Mayer

Friday, October 13, 2017

Hi Parents,

This Monday, October 16, several important papers are coming home in the homework folder.

First of all, the Unit 1 Math test is scored and in the backpack.  As a group, the kids did well, and reflected a strong understanding of the math concepts addressed.  There were a few kids that struggled, and many more who had a single area of weakness. The Fourth Grade teachers encourage students to improve their understanding (and test scores) by practicing and retaking the sections of the test that were inaccurate, or incomplete.  There is a note explaining this policy attached to your child's test.  Please review the test with your kid, and then decide if it makes sense to practice similar problems, and then take a different (but similar) test on a portion of the exam. In order to do this, the original test must be returned, with section for retake clearly marked.

Secondly, the kids have the permission slip for our field trip to the aquarium.  Currently, I have enough drivers. Please return the signed permission slip this week.

Next, we have run out of Kleenex. Please send a box or 2 in if possible.  We are great on hand sanitizer and all other supplies.

Finally, Picture Day is this Friday, October 20th. Be sure to send in your order on or before that day.

Have a great week!

Carroll Mayer

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hi Parents,

I emailed a note this last Friday, so hopefully that reached you all at a convenient email address. If you weren't at Back-to-School Night, I used an email address on file with the school.

Currently, I'm looking for volunteers to drive on our field trip to the aquarium on November 3. I have 4 volunteers so far, and they can take up to 19 of our 34 students. In order to drive, you must already have your fingerprints and TB test on file in the office. If you'd like to help, please update your driver information this week, as the district now requires it to be on file several weeks prior to the trip. Also, please send me an email with the number of students you can carry. The aquarium does limit the number of chaperones given free admission and attending the lab.

Please contact me if you were unable to schedule your child's conference at Back-to-School Night. I only have a few spots left!

Finally, a head's up that we are having our first Unit test in math on Tuesday. The kids are bringing home a corrected math practice test and checkpoint with their Monday Choice Board. Please encourage your child to review and clarify any material they're feeling unsure about.

Have a great week and a super 3 day weekend next week! (Teachers have an SBC day next Friday. )

Carroll Mayer