Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hi All,

This week, we have lots of excitement!  On Tuesday, Rio will have its annual Halloween parade, which has been moved back to its former time: 8:30. Our class party is scheduled for after lunch at 12:00. If you have any questions about the party, please contact our room parents: Allison and Carole-Anne.

Then on Friday our class is heading off to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on a field trip. On that day, kids should bring lunches, and be prepared to be off campus most of the day.

In RTI, we are wrapping up the informational text unit, and then will begin a fun novel about the Gold Rush called By the Great Horn Spoon. In Math, we are continuing with multiplication strategies, as well as beginning division. We will also return to multiplication later in the year.

Finally, most of you have scheduled conferences, and I'll be sending home reminders with your date and time in a week or so. If you haven't yet set up a conference, please contact me.

Take care, and have a great week!

Carroll Mayer

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