Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hello All,
This week we wrap up the story The Keeping Quilt, and begin a new one, Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope.  These two stories focus on family traditions, so they're well-timed as we move into November and the holiday season.  In Social Studies, we are kicking off our study of the Ohlone Indians, the Native Americans in our community.  The visit to the Natural History Museum will be the introduction to this unit of study.  We are also beginning a science unit on plant and animal adaptations.  Finally, we will continue with our math unit on multiplication.  It may feel as though we are racing through the math unit, but we will continue to practice multiplication throughout the remainder of the year.  The math unit is designed to give the students an understanding of the concept of multiplication, and a variety of strategies to solve simple multiplication problems.  The Rhymes 'n Times program is to build automaticity with the facts.

On another note, the kids are doing a great job on the weekly homework packets, with the quality of all students' Reading Logs greatly improved.  Please remind your child that they can take AR tests on books they've read at home.  Many in the class have already met their AR goal, but if your child has not achieved it yet,  please remind them to continue taking tests.  The AR program is designed to motivate and monitor kids in getting the reading practice they need.

Halloween festivities are on the agenda for Thursday.  For those of you new to the school, it's tradition to have a "parade" on the intermediate playground at about 8:15.  Parents and younger siblings often come to watch.  Our party is scheduled for later in the day, and a notice was sent out by our room parent Kristin Barrett,  and her able assistant, Amy Danish.  Thank you Amy and Kristin!

Finally, please send in your child's permission slip for the field trip scheduled 11/8. Also attached to the permission slip was a request for a $10.00 donation toward the cost of all the field trips this year.  Thank you, Sandi Kolassa, for preparing the notes and organizing all of this year's trips for the entire Third Grade!

Take care, and have a happy and healthy week,
Carroll Mayer

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