Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hi All,
This week we'll be wrapping up Module 1 in math with a test on Thursday. The math homework for Wednesday night will be a "practice" test, and will give the kids a chance to get more comfortable with the format, and clarify any questions that remain. (On every day that homework is due, we spend 15-20 minutes discussing any unclear questions. Students are expected to come prepared so they can compare results and benefit from the discussion that follows.)

We began a science unit last week that will give the kids an opportunity to review the scientific method, and also to engineer a small structure. This unit should continue for another 2 weeks, so we will be pausing in social studies.

Finally, a big thank you to the three parents who have banded together to room parent our class. Michelle Lesar, Lori Mersman, and Mary McGowan, we all very much appreciate your willingness to take on this job!

Have a great week,
Carroll Mayer

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