Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hi All,
I only have a few brief reminders. First of all, this Wednesday our entire class -- along with the two third grade classes -- will be attending the fair. On that day students should come with sack lunches, including drinks, and be dressed to walk around the fairgrounds. They are not to bring money, and no adult chaperons will be buying snacks for kids at the fair. We are fortunate to have wonderful chaperons that make this fair day possible and safe.

Secondly, now that we're fully into the year please be sure that you make time for a consistent homework routine. Students in both grades should be reading out loud, doing math homework, and practicing math facts every week day. In addition, 3rd graders have a spelling packet and 2nd graders have the self-paced Red Hot Readers Spelling program. Most of the class have been turning in carefully done work, but please continue to monitor your child's homework. As I am only expecting students to do 2 of the 6 leveled story problems, they should be answered carefully and completely. Furthermore, the spelling sentences that are part of the third grade spelling packet have varied in quality, so please have your child show you the work before turning it in.
I hate to return papers for a redo!

Finally, thanks for all your help. It's been great these last 2 weeks as I get to meet all of you parent volunteers. I've been finding the help invaluable and our class is settling into some great routines.

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