Sunday, November 29, 2009

I hope you all found this week off as restorative as I did. It was a wonderful time to take stock and take a breath before the last burst of activities for 2009. Thanks so much to our room parents, Sandi, Cynthia, and Jennifer for the fantastic feast and celebration. If you haven't already, take a look at the pictures Cynthia posted. They really reflect the tenor of the day.

This week students are bringing home information about Flat Stanley. All second graders are participating and it's optional for the third graders, although many expressed interest in doing this activity again. I'd like to encourage the third graders to send their Flat Stanleys abroad, if they are able.

In addition, all of the class will bring home permission slips for our field trip to the Museum of Natural History. This field trip is an opportunity to learn about the Ohlone Indians, and also plant and animal life in our area. We are asking for a dollar per student for this field trip, which will be on the last Thursday before Winter Vacation.

Second graders continue to work hard on their play, which they will perform for parents on December 11th at 8:20. The third graders from our class will see it the day before with the rest of the school.

Thanks for all your support, both inside and outside of the classroom. Continue to set high expectations for your children with their homework; it should be complete, timely, and well done.

Take care,
Carroll Mayer

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