Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hi All,
This week every day will follow the restructured schedule so that teachers can meet with parents at Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12:20 and there is no Homework Club. Conferences begin at 12:45 and are scheduled in 20 minute intervals, so please arrive on time. The Scholastic Book Fair is in the library and will be open during school and conference hours. You can send your child with money after you have identified purchases you would like to make, or you can stop by yourself before or after your conference. This is a great time to select holiday/ birthday gifts. On Friday, Rio caps off the week with the Harvest Festival. Please try to attend. It's a fun community-building activity and a great time to see your child mingle with their peers.

This week's homework will also be slightly different. There is no spelling in the homework packet. Instead, students will have a one page reading comprehension passage. They are to read the passage and identify the main ideas and details. Attached to this sheet are multiplication practice pages for 3s and 4s, which we are still working on. In addition, the Landform project is due on Tuesday. Students will view each other's project, and those of other classes as well. Finally, the first Lit. Circle assignment is due on Wednesday. New Lit. Circle assignments will be sent home each Wednesday and are always due at least one week later. Please make sure your child paces herself on the assignment; the reading and work tasks should be done over a period of days, not minutes.
Enjoy this busy week!

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