Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello All,
I hope you had a great break. I know I enjoyed the time off and beautiful weather.

First, as so many students forgot their Lit. Circle assignments today, I am delaying the groups for one day. Students will receive their new assignments on Wednesday this week.  If your child has not completed their assignment (which they have had for 2 weeks) please have them wrap it up tonight!

Spelling homework for this week will be due next Friday, April 20th. This is the last spelling lesson of the year, so packets after this date will just contain multiplication practice and reading logs. Also, I am having the kids add a word to the list: doesn't.

This Friday our class has a field trip scheduled for the MAH.  I have many volunteer drivers, so if you signed up the field trip and are having second thoughts, please let me know.  I will send a reminder home ASAP if you volunteered for the trip.

Finally, the date for Rio del Mar's spring choir concert is Thursday, May 17th.  It will be at Aptos High, just like the Winter Concert.

Have a great week!
Carroll Mayer

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