Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hi All,

I am thinking of you all.  What a topsy turvy time this has been! 

I will be updating my blog a lot during the coming weeks, so please
 subscribe if you didn’t earlier this year, or make a note (or set a
phone reminder) to check in every day or two. I will also be using the
Google Classroom to push out materials and links to the kids. 

First, some questions:

  1. Has your child logged into Lexia, Google Classroom, or Khan                                                                                Accelerator from home this school year?
  2. Will your kid have access to a computer?                                                                                                                            If so, will they be sharing with siblings? Sharing with parents? 
  3. Do you have access to a printer?

Next, some links to share:

From our Therapist Natalie--
Resources and ideas from the district for learning at home.

Finally, here are some activities from me for this week. I will also post them on the blog, and share them with the kids on Google Classroom.

I am thinking about you all every day, and looking for interesting things
 for you to do during this time. 


Attachments area

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