Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hi Kids and Families,

It looks like we will be doing this for a while!

First, a "shout out" to Evie and Sophie, who posted on Kidblog. This will be a great place for you to share ideas and opinions!

Secondly, way to go Maxine and Luke, who responded to my question on the Google Classroom. This will be another way we can keep in touch!

Here are a few things I have put up on the Google Classroom this week.

  1. A link to a PE blog from Mr. Kurek, so you have lots of ideas for staying active.
  2. A link to Studies Weekly, so you can set up a digital account and read Studies Weekly that way. Down the road, there may be assignments and tests too!
  3. Links to a few interesting Mystery Science activities. These are not long ones like we do at school, although I may add some of those later.
  4. This week's Seahawk News. Mrs. Avey wants you to send her videos so you can be in the Seahawk News in other weeks.
  5. Information, including 2 short videos on tessellations. Drawing these is a fun Art/Math activity!

Parents, please let me know your situations regarding technology. I realize Ms. Jones sent out communication about Chromebooks, but I'd also like to know how it's going. Especially, what school technology are you comfortably accessing from home? 

Here is a picture, because I miss your smiling faces!

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